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  • Useful commands page for someone else Emacs-reminders

  • describe-bindings or SPC h b b is super helpful for knowing what happens when you press stuff

  • describe-prefix-bindings can be used to see bindings in current mode.

  • SPC h is for help related stuff, same as C-h

  • C-h k or SPC h k or describe-key will give information about keys you press when it prompts you.

  • C-h j and C-h k will move to next page and previous page when there's a which-key buffer and there's multiple pages for a particular key press [TODO: figure out why this doesn't work anymore in my setup for some reason]

  • C-h on any which-key buffer opens a list of searchable possible keybindings/actions I can take in the current key prefix. Example: Say I press C-c, then C-h will open up all the actions/keys starting with C-c.

  • All describe-* is super helpful. There's describe-variable, describe-command, describe-function and so on.

  • C-M-h -> mark-defun will select a whole function

  • If you want to open a file that's in some text, you can select it and then just press gF to jump to it(this is evil mode binding). Command: evil-find-file-at-point-with-line .This works with line numbers also so if there's something of form :line, this is super useful. This helps when you have file names and line names in error messages, you can easily jump to that file+line

  • Use maximize-window to maximize one window in splits and do winner-undo to undo it

  • C-M-SPC -> mark-sexp will select the next ast node(sort of), repeating it more will move forward. C-M-<left> will move backward

  • fill-paragraph is nice for formatting text (with max width), bound to M-q. In tuareg-mode,M-q is bound to tuareg-indent-phrase which helps in formatting comments in ocaml

  • Registers are there in emacs too. C-x r s <reg-name> to copy things to a register and C-x r i <reg-name> or consult-register followed by <reg-name> to paste it. If you're using evil mode, the usual vim way can be used "<reg-name>y/p. More info can be found in emacswiki

  • Very useful emacs stuff at

  • Flyspell is super helpful

  • apropos is super helpful, like a regex search for emacs commands(SPC-h-a in doom, C-h-a also works)

  • C-u <param> M-x <command> will run <command> with <param>. This is useful when say you have mark-sexp, you maybe mark an extra sexp, so you'd do C-u -1 M-x mark-sexp(for evil mode(doomemacs) it's SPC-u -1 M-x mark-sexp )

  • dired-toggle-read-only allows to change(makes dired editable) whatever we want in dired buffer(can be helpful for renaming mostly and probably many other things too). To finish edit wdired-finish-edit and to abort wdired-abort-changes

  • Some cool things here

  • See orderless for prefixes that trigger different behaviors during minibuffer search in vertico

  • Use org-timestamp to insert date to the buffer(quite cool)

  • Want to insert unicode symbols in emacs. Do one of the the following(Reference):

    • M-x set-input-method RET tex or C-\
    • C-x 8 RET to see a bunch of searchable symbols and insert them
    • If we want this to be in every buffer, need to customize-variable default-input-method

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